South America animals coloring pages

South America is the continent where the Amazon rainforest is located. No wonder so many unique and fascinating species of animals and birds live here. Printable South American animals coloring pages present just a small part of this huge ecosystem. However, it is a great way to awaken children’s curiosity about the world around them. And you can print all animal coloring pages for free!

Alligator coloring sheet for kids

Donkey coloring pages animals

Coloring page with alpaca

Print sloth coloring sheet

Alligator coloring page with a crocodile

Giant turtle coloring page tortoise

Llama coloring picture to print

WIld snake coloring pages

Anteater coloring sheet for children

Guinea pig coloring sheet

Monkey with banana coloring page

Anaconda coloring page

Anteater coloring pages animals

Guinea pig coloring pictures for children

Free sloth coloring page

Dangerous snake coloring page

Capybara coloring sheet to print

Cartoon jaguars coloring page animals

Educational coloring page of a sloth

Snake boa coloring page sheet

Printable coloring page of alpaca

Lizard iguana for coloring

Anteater coloring sheet for children

Jaguar coloring picture cat

Printable coloring sheet armadillo

Kukang coloring page for kids

Chinchilla coloring sheet

Cat ocelot coloring sheet

Giant galapagos turtle coloring page

Tapir coloring picture

Just some logo

Just place your mouse cursor over the question to see the correct answer

2. Are alligators close relatives of elephants or crocodiles?

Alligators are close relatives of crocodiles.

3. Do anteaters really eat ants?

Yes, they do.

4. Which country is in South America: Italy, Brazil or Japan?


6. What is iguana?

An iguana is a type of large lizard.

7. Are jaguars herbivores or carnivores?

Jaguars are carnivores.

8. What is the name of the longest river in South America?

The longest river in South America is the Amazon River.

Top coloring pictures featuring animals living in South America

  • Printable Latin America animals coloring pages for children – Latin America is a region of the worlds known for its incredible biodiversity, hosting a vast number of animal species. Here you can find coloring pages featuring capybaras, alligators, anteaters, armadillos, jaguars, llamas, boas, anacondas, guinea pigs, capuchin chinchillas, jaguars, tapirs, alpacas, and many more.
  • Jaguar coloring page to print – jaguars, also known as panthers, are predatory cats with a distinctive spotted coat that helps them blend into wooded habitats. They are very efficient hunters that can hunt even much heavier and larger animals. Jaguar coloring pages are a real treat for all children who like predatory cats.
  • Sloths coloring sheets for kids – sloths are very unique mammals known for their slow and deliberate movements. And why are they unique? Well, they spend the majority of their lives hanging upside down from trees. They love to eat leaves and even sleep in this position. Sloth coloring pictures are available to print for free.
  • Printable tapirs coloring pictures – tapirs are another completely unique animals worth getting to know. And coloring sheets are perfect for this purpose! Tapirs are quite peaceful herbivorous mammals. They inhabit dense forests and grasslands of Latin America as well as Southeast Asia.
  • Snake coloring sheet with boa and anaconda – Latin America is known for its impressive snake species, including powerful constrictors such as the boa constrictor and the giant anaconda. Boa constrictors are non-venomous snakes capable of subduing their prey by squeezing them tightly, while the anaconda, being one of the largest snakes in the world, is famous for its size and aquatic habitat preference, often found in marshes and swamps.
  • Printable coloring pages of alligators – alligators are close relatives of crocodiles, with a slightly smaller body structure, but an equally terrifying mouth. They can be found in freshwater habitats, and have a very special ability to regulate their body temperature. Are you brave enough to print alligators coloring sheets?
  • Print coloring pictures of llamas and alpacas – llamas & alpacas are domesticated camelids native to the Andean region of Latin America. Llamas are larger and primarily used for transportation and carrying loads, while alpacas are smaller and valued for their wool, which is highly appreciated for its softness and warmth. And above you can print both, alpaca coloring pages, as well as llama coloring pages.
  • Free coloring sheets with anteaters – anteaters really love to eat ants! But they also do not despise termites and other small insects. Their long, sticky tongue makes it impossible for insects that stick to it to escape. With their sharp claws and strong forelimbs, anteaters can tear open termite mounds and ant nests to access their prey. Print an anteater coloring page to get to know these amazing animals a little bit better.
  • Printable coloring pages of iguanas – iguanas are exceptionally beautiful lizards that can often be found in home terrariums. They are mainly herbivores, feeding on leaves, fruits, and flowers. Iguanas love to bask in the sun, which means that most iguanas can be found in warm corners of the world. The iguana coloring pictures are very realistic and print-ready in excellent quality.

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