Actors coloring pages to print

Actors coloring pages is a collection of printable pictures with the greatest celebrities, which we know mainly from the world of movies and cinemas. You can print actors coloring sheets with Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Johnny Depp, Zac Efron, Robert De Niro, and many others. There are also celebrities known from previous eras, such as the unforgettable comedian Charlie Chaplin in his characteristic bowler hat and lightning-fast Bruce Lee.

Dwayne Johnson coloring pages Jumanji

Actors coloring pages Ledger as a Joker

Hannibal Lecter coloring pages actors

Julia Roberts coloring page to print

Di Caprio coloring sheet actor

Kevin Hart coloring pages Jumanji

Actors coloring pages Jackman as Wolverine

Bradley Cooper coloring picture

Keanu Reeves coloring page to print

Printable coloring page of Morgan Freeman

Indy Jones coloring pages

Vito corleone coloring pages actors

Brad Pitt coloring sheet to print

CIA agent coloring page sheet

Actors coloring pages Mamoa as Aquaman

Printable coloring pages Indiana Jones

Pacino coloring sheet the Godfather

Christian Bale coloring page to print

Denzel Washington coloring sheet

Actors coloring pages Mamoa as Idaho

Cowboy coloring pages John Wayne

Vito Corleone coloring pages actors to print

Actress Gal Gadot coloring sheet

Actor gladiator coloring page

007 coloring pages with Daniel Craig

Coloring sheet Shah Rukh Khan

Andy Bernard The Office coloring pages Ed Helms

Rachel from Friends coloring pages

Printable coloring page Sherlock Holmes

Bruce Lee coloring pages actors icons

Printable coloring sheet Salman Khan

Dwight Schrute coloring pages The Office series

Printable coloring page with Ross from Friends

Sherlock Holmes coloring picture Robert Downey Jr

Actor and American Football player The Rock

Printable coloring page Sandra Bullock

Jim the Office coloring pages to print

Chandler Bing coloring sheet Friends

Printable coloring page with Will Smith

Miniature of Dwayne Johnson coloring sheet

Actors coloring pages Scarlett Johansson

The Office coloring pages with Michael Scott

Austin Butler coloring pages with actors

Channing Tatum coloring sheet pages

Charlie Chaplin's portrait for coloring

Ryan Reynolds coloring page to print

Printable coloring page with Pam from the Office

Tom Hanks coloring pages

Johnny Deep coloring page actor

Charlie Chaplin coloring page to download

Top Gun coloring sheet Tom Cruise fighter

Kim Kardashian to color

Arya Stark Game of Thrones

Miniature of Rowan Atkinson coloring sheet

Mad Max Coloring pages for free

Printable with famous actor

Matt Damon coloring pages with actors

Jon Snow Game of Thrones

Miniature of Joey Tribbiani coloring page to print

Kickboxer to color for free

Zac Efron coloring sheets pages

Celebrities, coloring books

Lord Tyrion Lannister to color

Actress Eva Mendes coloring page sheet for free

Coming soon

Angelina Jolie coloring page sheets with actors

Coloring pages with celebrities

Game of Thrones coloring books

A miniature of DiCaprio picture for coloring

Coming soon

Emma Stone actress coloring pages

Vin Diesel for coloring for free

A miniature of Borat portrait

Francis Underwood to color

Coming soon

Just some logo

Just place your mouse cursor over the question to see the correct answer!

1. Is James Cameron an actor or a film director?

James Cameron is a notable film director.

3. Was Elvis Presley a rock and roll or hip-hop superstar?

Elvis Presley was a rock and roll star.

4. What is the most recognized trophy (statuette ) in the movie world?

This award is an Oscar.

5. How do we call a person who, during the making of a film, plays dangerous scenes instead of an actor?

It is a stuntman.

6. Which is the equivalent of Hollywood in India?

It is Bollywood.

7. Daniel Radcliffe became famous for his role as Harry Potter or Batman?

Harry Potter.

9. Beethoven and Marley are famous movie dogs or cats?

Beethoven and Marley are famous movie dogs.

The Office coloring page with Dwight Schrute

Bruce Lee coloring page sheet

Friends coloring page with Rachel Green Jennifer Aniston

Jumanji coloring page Dwayne Johnson

Interesting facts about actors and movies:

  • Once he was a child Johnny Depp was allergic to chocolate (luckily he is not anymore:)
  • Daniel Craig was the first 007 agent who was born after the whole series began.
  • Johnny Depp (you can find him on our Actors coloring pages) has two big phobias. He is afraid of clowns and spiders.
  • One of the asteroids is named after Tom Hanks. Its name is “12818 tomhanks”.
  • Tom Cruise earned an astonishing $75 Million for the main role in the movie “Mission Impossible 2”.
  • Jennifer Lopez was the very first actress to achieve number one in the same week for a movie and a music album hit.
  • Cameron Diaz broke her nose in a surfing lesson in Hawaii on her birthday in 2003.
  • The actor’s profession derives from ancient Greece. In those days, to be a good actor one had to demonstrate an exceptional talent for dancing and singing. Talent to play the role of another person was not needed yet.
  • Nicolas Cage and his wife were looking for the original name for their son and finally, they decided that it will be Kal-El. As a reminder, Kal-El is the true Kryptonian name of Superman, so you have to say that it’s quite an original choice.

Hollywood style pictures

This collection of famous actors coloring pages is a real Hollywood Avenue of Stars in the field of printable pictures. Actors coloring sheets is an absolutely unique place where you can find illustrations for print and on them: beautiful and smart actress Angelina Jolie, funny Rowan Atkinson as an unforgettable Mr. Bean, Matt Damon famous for his role of Jason Bourne, Johnny Depp who is the most famous pirate of the Caribbean. But that’s not all! We also have powerful and hard as rock Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, fast and dangerous Bruce Lee, and funny Charlie Chaplin with his famous bowler and cane. Actors coloring pages are great fun for the whole family. Free celebrities coloring sheets are a great piece of fun and you can download them completely for free. Then we suggest to carefully color them and hang them on the wall next to your posters with celebrities.