How to Draw a House? Step-by-Step Guide!

In the second episode of our tutorial series, we’ll show you how to draw a house. And not just any house! It will have multiple windows, a door, and even a chimney with smoke curling out of it. Does this seem like a daunting challenge? Follow the steps we’ve outlined below, and success is guaranteed!

How to Draw a House - Step by Step Guide

We’ve broken down the process of drawing a house into 10 steps. While some are straightforward, others might feel a bit more challenging. If you find any step tricky, try practicing it on a separate piece of paper first.

Feel free to ask a parent or an older sibling for assistance if needed. And remember, it’s okay if it doesn’t turn out perfectly on your first try. With practice, you’ll get better and become a drawing pro!

Step 1

We’ll start drawing our house in a way quite opposite to how real houses are built.

The first element we’ll sketch is the roof.

This is the trickiest part of the drawing, so once you master this step, the rest will be smooth sailing!

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 1 - roof

Step 2

In the second step, add the walls and floor of the house.

If you want your lines to be perfectly straight, feel free to use a ruler or triangle.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 2 - walls

Step 3

Every house needs an entrance.

We’ll draw a rounded door roughly in the middle of the floor.

Make sure the door isn’t too tall, as we’ll need to leave room above it for a window.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 3 - door

Step 4

This step is small but essential.

A door without a handle can’t be opened!

So add a small handle to complete the door.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 4 - handle

Step 5

Now it’s time to draw the windows.

Start with the first window on either the right or left side — whichever feels more comfortable.

We’ll begin with the outline of the right window.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 5 - right window

Step 6

Next, draw an identical window on the opposite side.

Try to make it the same size and place it at approximately the same height as the first one.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 6 - left window

Step 7

Our house will have three windows in total!

Above the door, there’s just enough space for a third window.

Notice that this window has a different shape compared to the lower ones.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 7 - upper window

Step 8

With the window frames drawn, it’s time to add some details.

Sketch the panes inside each window to complete their look.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 8 - windows details

Step 9

The drawing is almost complete, but let’s add a chimney to the house.

The chimney consists of three parts — take your time to get the proportions right.

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 9 - chimney

Step 10

Finally, finish the drawing by adding smoke coming out of the chimney.

This little detail brings life and warmth to your house!

Tutorial How To Draw a House - Step 10 - smoke from the chimney

Your House Drawing is Complete! Great Job!

If some parts didn’t turn out quite as you hoped, don’t worry about it.

Keep practicing, and each new drawing will improve.

Don’t forget to color your house beautifully to make it truly stand out!

How to Draw a House - finished drawing